Busy Month

Published on 23 June 2024 at 12:24

Been a bit of a heavy month or more, and I've realised I have not been updating/venting as much on My Blog as I normally am; Well I am still alive, and mostly Kicking, coping with pain that had spread to my arms and hands (not a great thing when you wanna be creative).

Well Anyhow, this all lead to Me finally contacting My Doctor about this long time issue; one thing led to another, lots of tests and some results that explain a bith but also raise more questions.

On top of health related stuff My roof has been botched by dodgey roofers, and I'm currently trying to finish an important commission. So yeah Stress. Anyhow, Above are some custom Belatro Bluff Cards I Edited out of some existing ones for someone. Will Hopefully post more soon, stay classy folks.

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